In HTML elements are often used to display specific values, for example <img> display pictures, <h1> display bold-big heading text, and <p> display textual paragraphs. On the basis os displaying content HTML elements are divided into two categories.
- Block Elements
- Inline Elements
Block Elements
The Block elements always display their content or value from a new line. It occupies a rectangular area and stretches its surface according to the content and CSS specifiers. <p>, <pre>, <ul>, <table>, <hr>, and <li> are some examples of Block Elements.
<p> First Paragraph</p> <p> This is a new paragraph </p>
<div> Div block content </div>
First Paragraph This is a new paragraph.
Here you can see that all the elements content start form a new line, and each one has a separate spacing area.
Major HTML Block element.
<address> | <article> | <aside> | <blockquote> |
<canvas> | <dd> | <div> | <dl> |
<dt> | <fieldset> | <figcaption> | <figure> |
<footer> | <form> | <h1> to <h6> | <header> |
<hr> | <li> | <main> | <nav> |
<nonscript> | <ol> | <p> | <pre> |
<section> | <table> | <tfoot> | <ul> |
Inline Elements
Inline elements generally used as a nested element to the block elements. The inline element's content does not start from a new line; instead, it displayed in the line itself. The area of the inline elements depends on the length of the text.
<p> Welcome to <b>TechGeekBuzz</b> </p>
Welcome to TechGeekBuzz
is the inline element and
it's content.
Some Major Inline elements
<a> | <abbr> | <acronym> | <b> |
<bdo> | <big> | <button> | <cite> |
<code> | <dfn> | <em> | <i> |
<img> | <input> | <kbd> | <lable> |
<map> | <object> | <output> | <q> |
<samp> | <script> | <select> | <small> |
<span> | <strong> | <sub> | <textarea> |
<strong> | <time> | <tt> | <sup> |
HTML <div> Element
is a very popular Block element, and it is generally used as a container that requires a specific styling. <div> does not have its own specific attributes but it can work with
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
.first {
color: red;
.second {
color: blue;
<div class="first">
Step up and begin your game and if you
are already in the journey, and enter the league of Tech Pros!
<div class="second">
Tutorials are designed for all levels. The
concepts and code are described in details to be comprehended
easily by the reader.
HTML <span> element
Similar to
is also a container element, but it is used to represent inline content. Like <div>,
also does not have its unique attributes, but it can use style, class and id attributes.
<p> Welcome to <span style="color:red;"> TechGeekBuzz </span></p>
Welcome to TechGeekBuzz
- Block start its content from a new line.
- Inline is used inside the Block content.
- Both Block and Inline are used as a container that needs specific styling and scripting.
- We can not use block elements inside the inline elements.